martes, 18 de junio de 2013


A COUPLE of hours after Tito Collazo read my views on his collaboration  with MACestuarinos and Luci aka Blodie Laborde regarding their improvised, unjustified actions in terms of aesthetics/ murals/gardens/ biodiversity wise in the corner of Bouret street and Ponce de Leon avenue, he appeared out of nowhere to claim that he did not deserve my classical, abrasive observations on my previous post, while I was chatting with Miguel Yamin, a octogenarian in the same sexageranian bracket as yours truly.

I apologized and expressed all the pain that his lack of appreciation to my friendship for the last five years signified, abruptly betrayed without significant explanations.
With the photos attached, I reiterate my views about the enemies
of the environment in the urban context, If I write/declare they are wrong/stink,  and you TC, believe you are doing something good for the community you are guilty of being an accessory to murder/stupidity.

When I think of friends, juatever that means to you, it implies a sense of loyalty, criteria, acts and results. If you do not collect plants, propagate, plant, understand the concept of ecology, biodiversity, earth warming, environmental issues you former dear,appreciated friend have no place except hell for your sins,
why interfere for monetary exposure?

I have created plenty of enemies during the last decade, while denouncing the lack of credentials, expertise, praxis/theory, professional training, trajectory regarding our urban concrete/asphalt environmental, ecological, biodiversity context.

At 62 of age I am not going to stop. The money MACestuarinos claim will be invested in murals/gardens suck. I could create a garden anyjuere you may think/expect/suspect with seeds and cut stems in a blink, as a couple of these photos show.

If anyjuan thinks otherwise, please, be my guest. Share the botanical inventory in your collection that will survive in ANY urban/concrete/asphalt context as I have for the last five years, as Sociedad Horticultural Bouret installation shows without any possible rebuttal.

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