martes, 2 de julio de 2013


Puerto Rico has ADD, which is weird because he drives a Ford Focus. I tried to tell him that joke,
but he kept getting distracted by my shoelaces.*
Yesterday, while I was pruning this work of art, some pale, squeaky voice, skinny, weird widow, dressed like those fundamentalist Jesus freaks Pentecostals, stops while she walks on the opposite sidewalk and exclaims: What a jungle!
Your host responds:  This is a prairie garden. There are not many around.
Squeaky replies:  How beautiful!

A monkey tells a rabbit about his big ears. This is the prize winning garden of our widow..

The jungle in question

Another example of supine ignorance in the concrete/asphalt isle.

*Adapted from a joke from Zach Galifianakis. An actor, stand up comedian who hates to be loved.

that is that

martes, 18 de junio de 2013


COMETI un pecado, perdonale senhor al igualar, al vecino frente a casa con Judas.  O mas bien el acto de colaboracion, que ya sabemos lo que hacian en Francia, con los nacionales de la republica que confraternizaban con los de la zeta cruzada. 

Al hacerlo me equiparaba en adicion, al Jesuscristo de la mitologia Cristiana, algo que no le va a mi jumirdad tan grande como la tierra misma.  Considerando major las cosas al amigo que fue hasta aquel dia que bajo rastrillo en mano convirtiendose a mis ojos en intocable, mas bien, un Cain.

Un lustro de conversaciones tirados por la borda, pensando que 'seria bueno para la comunidad', punheta, que de bueno, trascendentalmente bueno tiene esta mierda de mural*, una jicotea I un pajarote en esteroides,  que como artista grafico deberia importer, pues de algun modo conoce, vive de ilustrar esto o aquello.

De jardines, tendran por obligacion, cuando sean, como los que se ven en carreteras autopistas: palmas, acaliphas, chefferas, mangle plateado I se acabo, eso es el universo botanico de estos chapuceros intere$ados que nunca los mueve la Buena fe, lo que se conoce a largo plazo, como el manejo....Esto explica que los Tabebuia sembrados a lo culoevaca en su mayoria estan torcidos, sin tutores.

Esos costosos jardines seran como ya denuncie desde marzo: inconsecuentes, pensados en absoluta falta de contexto marino/terrestre como se le exigiria a cualkier anfibio, que Habra de esperarse de estos ignorantes pretensiosos en tierra?

Por tanto el colaborador con su acto de colaboracion mas o menos mando al carajo todo lo que digo/escribo/practico, con una sonrisa a flor de labios.  "Pense que seria bueno  para la comunidad"...Ah Cain...Dios te acoja en su seno.

Por otro lado no hay que preocuparse mucho, como no se escribil, de acuerdo al duendecito, que de ninho debio parecerse a Chuky el hijo de la Burbu, de nombre Joseando Ramos, nadie va a leer esto, el mundo no se enterara...fin.

*El color mierda predominante es, imagino, el horizonte, por tanto 'esta mierda de mural' lo es literal/simbolicamente, algo poco usual en la vida, particularmente algun 'mural' pintado sobre papel.


A COUPLE of hours after Tito Collazo read my views on his collaboration  with MACestuarinos and Luci aka Blodie Laborde regarding their improvised, unjustified actions in terms of aesthetics/ murals/gardens/ biodiversity wise in the corner of Bouret street and Ponce de Leon avenue, he appeared out of nowhere to claim that he did not deserve my classical, abrasive observations on my previous post, while I was chatting with Miguel Yamin, a octogenarian in the same sexageranian bracket as yours truly.

I apologized and expressed all the pain that his lack of appreciation to my friendship for the last five years signified, abruptly betrayed without significant explanations.
With the photos attached, I reiterate my views about the enemies
of the environment in the urban context, If I write/declare they are wrong/stink,  and you TC, believe you are doing something good for the community you are guilty of being an accessory to murder/stupidity.

When I think of friends, juatever that means to you, it implies a sense of loyalty, criteria, acts and results. If you do not collect plants, propagate, plant, understand the concept of ecology, biodiversity, earth warming, environmental issues you former dear,appreciated friend have no place except hell for your sins,
why interfere for monetary exposure?

I have created plenty of enemies during the last decade, while denouncing the lack of credentials, expertise, praxis/theory, professional training, trajectory regarding our urban concrete/asphalt environmental, ecological, biodiversity context.

At 62 of age I am not going to stop. The money MACestuarinos claim will be invested in murals/gardens suck. I could create a garden anyjuere you may think/expect/suspect with seeds and cut stems in a blink, as a couple of these photos show.

If anyjuan thinks otherwise, please, be my guest. Share the botanical inventory in your collection that will survive in ANY urban/concrete/asphalt context as I have for the last five years, as Sociedad Horticultural Bouret installation shows without any possible rebuttal.

sábado, 15 de junio de 2013


AM:  Quienes son estos personajes?

AC:    Ni puta idea, excepto la rolliza afrodescendiente, como se denominan ahora, entre los dos jinchos en la foto.

AM:   Siendo asi es pertinente la pregunta, como carajos llego a usted la imagen, su relacion con la misma, si es tan amable?

AC:    Reitero: Ni puta idea. Alguien en feisbuk, sin medir las consecuencias de darle a tag a una foto implicando a 'mi persona' como el succiona miembros de Patillas se refiere a si mismo diria,
pero lo agradezco, de otro modo esta primera entrevista en el de Garcia Marquez no se hubiese dado.

AM:   Su opinion sobre esta afrodescendiente de las letras, cual es, de ellos en general?

AC:    Antes, habria que escribir/hablar sobre la sikis insular, estos queridos compatriotas, de lo cual yo no tener la culpa, he vivido/estoy rodeado de idiotas.
El tema de los bufones del tribunal supremo, con los supremos idiotas legisladrones, gobernador con disfuncion no erectil, sino idiomatica insultadose pendejamente sin la creatividad que me ha caracterizado en el ultimo lustro...olvidando que el pais esta en la deuda impagable....

Todo lo anterior deja claro lo que ya desde los tres lustros de edad sospechaba, la gente a mi alrededor no madura, no envejece como nunca lo hizo Michael Jackson, el pedofilo que no podia tomarse cuatro valerianas para dormir, como me veo obligado a jacer ocasionalmente, no, tenia que meterse con doctor I todo, lo que le llevo a mejor vida..que su musica realmente era una mierda, pero eso es tema para otro momento.

AM:   Grandioso, ahora podria contester la pregunta?

AC:    Cual, la de los afrodescendientes I demas?

AM:   Si carbon, padece de aJaime?

AC:    Ijoeputa como que carbon, soy casi, casi escandinavo, diras/escribiras cabron?

AM:   Exactamente, podria ir finalmente al grano?

AC :   Aclarado el asunto, recuerdo a la susodicha escritora, cuya identidad algunos/muchos/pocos conoceran, cuando pesaba 125 libras, era estudiante de honor lo mas cukera con su mama en las filas de la yupi, lo cual de algun modo facilitaba el tema afrodescendencia, y yo jumirde servidor estaba en una maestria agua I sal en una clase de frances,  aunque habria que reconocer que talento habia, dudando que ser estudiante de honor fuera simplemente ser la hija de tal o cual. Lo escrito/publicado es otro asunto de lo cual no dire nada, ni me importa pepino angolo.

AM:   Podria entrar en las afrodescendientes, ya que no menciona a los varones, machos viriles de dicho segmento importado a nuestros territorios Americanos?

AC:   Para que conste en el acta: Cortijo, Fortunato Vizcarrondo, Juano Hernandez, Pedro Albizu i otros que con su talento fuera de serie sentaron pautas en su oficio/profesion estan siempre presentes 'en mi persona'.  Nuestra escritora, predilecta de Currutaco El Mistico, como declaro en aquella entrevista de el finado:, fue siempre una fantasia en tanga, en calendario, o como declare luego de que nuestra rolliza afrodesciendente cayera en desgracia irremediable junto a otro grupo vendido como Judas El Gran Combo...en aquella falacia/charade una cancion puede cambiar un pais.

AM:  Quien carajo es Currutaco El Mistico?

AC:    Un admirador de nuestra escritora, pero no en asuntos literarios, estilo, redaccion, sino de su trasero juvenil, de aquella epoca en que la imaginaba, como declaro luego del anuncio, Ponme el alcoholado en cuatro Mayra.  Asi fue que siempre la imagino...o en algun calendario, sensual, chocolate, muy lejano al ideal populachero Maripili/Burbu...literaria, fina, elocuente, pero con poco juicio. Quien con 3 dedos de frente caeria ante los lavadores de dinero del Banco Popular en esa cabronada que nadie debe olvidar: Una Cancion Puede Cambiar Un Pais?

martes, 5 de marzo de 2013


HOY desperte con alegria poco usual, un evento para celebrar, dado que por lo general mi primer contacto con el entorno es el ruido, un enemigo, una sombra ineludible.  Algunos pensaran que es obsesion, resultado de tener mucho tiempo libre, como ha dicho algun ideputa.  Si he vivido I vivo rodeado de puercos/as sordos/as que no lo perciben, ni fu ni fa, la culpa no es de su seguro servidor,
pero eso esta la audiometria.

La alegria, incremento un tanto, luego de mandar al carajo a Puca, una chica con figura de tortuga, que pensara, al hablarle de mani, un cubre suelo, Arashis hypogea, que era el otro, ese que se tuesta I se come embarrado en pan o lo que usted prefiera, diciendo, la muy imbecil: Ah, pero hay mucha gente alergica! Lo cual es muy cierto, pero la puca, figura de tortuga, tetas de manati, no me estaba escuchando realmente, yo hablaba del mani cimarron ese que las personas inteligentes, los que no son pendejos siembran aca, no en Sevilla o Santiago,  en lugar de pasto/grama/cesped evitando ruido I contaminacion por las herrmanientas que nos llenas con el CO2.

Que tendra que ver esto con Alberic Girod?


Nada, excepto que la estupidez insular predominante, mostrada por parientes, amigos, enemigos i los demas, es realmente aplastante.  La deuda publica que ya se declara impagable es el tema mas fresco, en adicion a los alcaldes preocupados por su bienestar  que se hicieron un aumento adecuado de salario, I que se joda el mundo!

Sumele la cancioncita adulterada del Gran Combo sin La Bala, cuyo fin en ese grupo ya se sabe, una cancion puede cambiar un pais con la complice poeta/escritora Mayra ponme el alcoholado en 4 Mayra, en adicion a; Somos mas grandes I Puerto Rico lo hace major. 

Para el disfrute de todo aquel/aquella que hasta para tirarse un peo/pedo sacan la banderita con orgullo, arrogante como mostrara el indeseable en 10 equipos de Carlos Arroyo contra USA, el gorrion que hizo primavera, solo ese dia...sin poder entrar a ninguna competencia internacional, creyendo la federacion I los de la BSN que ocupan algun lugar entre los primeros diez.

Aqui este refrito con el enlace tambien,
 por si desearan leer la version original
 sin estas notas al calce arriba.


DESPERTE del mismo modo que me voy a la cama...con el maldito zumbido de los chillers de aire acondicionado, los motores de refrigeracion de la cafeteria ilegal en el edificio Barat Sur de la Universidad Sagrado Corazon.

Para mi el ruido de este tipo es un crimen como otro cualquiera, i ni hablar de los 1,200 vehiculos privados, i los camiones diesel de entrega que entran i salen a diario de esta institucion que actua con impunidad sin igual 24/7.

Por alguna razon nunca he podido olvidar aquel nombre, Alberic Girod, cuyo banco llevo a la quiebra. Era 1984. Culpable de 8 cargos federales, conspiracion i lavado de dinero.  En la trama hay de todo, politicos, gente de abolengo rancio i demas... Todo ocurrio por alla, Ponce es Ponce.

Ese nombre merece ser recordado.  Haber sido pionero en lo del fraude bancario convertido en la norma global 28 anhos despues, merece reconocimiento. Aqui todos agarran sus bombos i platillos cuando algun islenho se convierte en el primer esto o aquello, como ser el primer ingeniero boricua en NASA, o pendejada similar, orgullosos de las medallitas de Culson, el trofeo de NBA de Barea...ondea, ondea, ondea para Barea, las miss universo, el astronauta que acaba, el boricuazo i demas pendejadas que desde mi perspeciva solo ponen de relieve no que seamos buenos o mejores que los habitantes de otros puntos geograficos que no son colonia, sino lo opuesto. Un gran sentido de inferioridad que requiere un constante refuerzo dia i noche, no importa cuan intrascendente, trivial sea el motivo para sentirse igual a otros, compensando del  algun modo el mal.

La bancarrota moral, cultural, social, economica que atraviesa esta isla de ruido, hacinamiento, concreto i asfalto comenzo al momento en que aquel que pretenden pintar como un Gandhi, en que los soplapotes en  la fundacion que lleva su nombre, Luis Munhoz Marin, el gran visionario que convirtio este estercolero en la 'vitrina de la democracia'.

En menos de cuatro decadas, EL y sus acesores no solo exterminaron la agricultura, con la fiebre i equivocada manufactura, sino que en consecuencia finiquito al campesinado que le habia llevado al poder. Para entender esto no hay que ir a Jarvar. Resulta curioso que otros/as con credenciales academicas de cierto peso, en su puta vida se les haya ocurrido plantearlo de manera tan sencilla.

En los ultimos 36 meses, los federales del FBI, han acusado, encarcelado cientos de personas por distintos crimnenes. En Lares, toda una comunidad se confabulo, para estafar a una companhia de seguros con un significativo porcentaje de empleados del municipio.  Una vez defendieron...fueron entrampados...

Un centenar de medicos con licencias fatulas, centenares de  policias  envueltos directa e indirectamente en empresas de narcotrafico, funcionarios miserables robando agua i luz, evasores de impuestos, pedofilos, pervertidos sexuales, empleados de correo importando toneladas de marihuana. La lista no acaba, para muestra un boton.

Que importancia tiene todo lo anterior, preguntaran algunos puercos sordos, la mayoria indiferente, no el uno porcierto de 'occupy' sino el 99%.  Para estos/as es agua pasada.

Es sencillo.  Para resolver los problemas habria que mirar atras.  Alberic Girod sento las pautas predominantes no solo en Puerto Rico, sino en el mundo actual.

Tanta mierda escrita sobre la democracia, los derechos de esto i lo otro, mientras los bancos, instituciones financieras i empresarios han estado confabulandose, robando i enganhando con el beneplacito de los gobiernos de aqui i alla.

Ironico que a los estafadores de cuello blanco, tenga que salvarlos de la quiebra, la gente que se jode trabajando. A ellos/as les toca pagar como ocurre en Grecia, Italia, Espanha, Portugal i en breve a Puerto Rico la Isla del Encanto con cerca de 70 mil milloncitos de deuda publica.  
Una gran democracia esta, la creada por Luis Munhoz Marin el Gandhi boricua, i los avariciosos e incompetentes azulotes i coloretes que se han dividido el pastel equitativamente, mirando al otro lado en cada caso,  en las ultimas cuatro decadas.

Gracias Alberic, por ponernos en el mapa!



  1. Gracias por darnos a conocer a tan ilustre puertorriqueño. Hay que ver que somos jumirdes. Tanto de lo que presumir. Cuando llegue el crujir de huesos y el rechinar de dientes que con tanto esmero hemos preparado, los gordos y obesos serán los primeros en ser merendados.

martes, 5 de febrero de 2013


HABIENDO sido interprete simultaneo I traductor en la corte civil en Manjatan por cerca de un lustro, aquello de 'dichoso el que no ha visto mas rio que el de su patria' se convierte en la estupidez mas grande que nadie jaiga expresado, I que algunos utilicen como algo con algun valor.

La primera impresion de este recinto que he visitado en mas de una ocasion es su pobre disenho, todo parece improvisado. Habia tal tumulto esperando los elevadores que no dude subir los once pisos un segundo.

Todos llegaron tarde. empleados, abogados I demas.  En la vista anterior, en ninguna de las salas en las que teoricamente se veria el caso, pudieron informarme que la vista habia sido trasladada a esta en la cual estuve hoy, por lo que me fui, enterandome una hora despues, gracias a la victima del traslado, que resultara en la visita de hoy.

En Manjatan tanto jueces como empleados estaban listos en un tiempo razonable, digamos 9:15/30AM, aca la cosa es otra onda, enla cual la griteria tipo cafeteria no es nada raro.

Los bancos en algunas salas,  rechinan constantemente cada vez que uno se mueve, siendo construidos con dos pedazos de madera para la espalda I dos para el fondillo, separados entre si, en lugar de haber sido encolados o usar una sola pieza, cuya estetica I disenho permitan estar comodo o si no por lo menos que no se desencolen o despeguen con el uso.

Las butacas de testigos, jurado I demas personal parecen mas adecuadas para una oficina en un banco, no un tribunal. El disenho del espacio I los materiales usados, barato, ordinario I feo. La grabadora que tenia cerca a mi es una manual de bacteria en lugar de un sistema, eficiente I confiable.

El abogado del acusado, un negro de seis pies de estatura mas incompetente no podia ser.  Todas sus preguntas, en un inutil intento de confundir al autor de estas lineas comenzaban con Oiga!   Utilizado no menos de 15 veces en el comienzo de cada interrogacion o declaracion improvisada e inconsecuente.

Mi irritacion era evidente, I costo un poco de esfuerzo controlar la impaciencia ante las repetitivas interrogantes que en no menos de cuatro veces tanto fiscal como juez indicaron ya habian sido contestadas.

Asuntos de hechos, impresiones, diga si o no fueron lo usual, como si toda pregunta mal ensamblada pudiese ser contestada a fondo con un solo si o no. Ese es uno de los problemas que observe durante los treinta o cuarenta minutos que hube de tolerar al incompetente graduado de leyes.

Las vestimentas de las fiscales, eran mas apropiadas para la puerca de Juan Bobo.  A una notoria del ambiente Mayra Mulero-- creo es su nombre tambien-- se le observo en el reciento con botox evidente i unos zapatones mas adecuados para una discoteca o lugar de esos que las bailarinas se contonean en un asqueroso tubo/piso, que un Tribunal.

Vi abogados con trajes de esos que se vendian para las graduaciones del ayer en cuyas ofertas se incluia, camisa, corbata I correa podian adquirirse por $99.99, I con el gancho en las patas I/o arrugados, feos con cojones.

En Manjatan nunca vi semejantes aberraciones.  Habia un grupo de abogados alla, unos diez entre 100, que parecian modelos de Dolce/Gabbana, con la diferencia que eran trajes a la medida con sastres que conocen de disenho I demas. El habito no hace al monje pero lo distingue, me cago en la Ostia.

Y que mas alla de toda esta subjetividad observo su jumirde servidor?  Al abogado/fiscal mediocre se le ve la costura al ensamblar, la pregunta o declaracion. Actuan, gesticulan, se expresan como los malos/pesimos actores I actrices que predominan en las telenovelas, quitandole toda credibilidad
al acto, la actuacion.

El asunto, que es uno de acecho, violencia domestica fue presentado en el pasado, fui testigo frente a nuestra residencia. Criminal # K VP2012-0274.
El aberrante comportamiento del acusado, tubo lugar el 31 de octubre. Imagine lector si un simple acto de acecho, con el agravante de haber escupido a la victima, lo cual no presencie, ha tomado cuatro meses para encontrar causal para ir a juicio....Como sera la movida en casos de violacion, asesinatos I demas.

Asi que el 13 de marzo tender que volver a pasar por esta agonia. Malos actores I actrices en un tribunal feo con cojones.  La unica satisfaccion es el deber cumplido, a pesar de los inconvenientes de las visitas previas al tribunal, I lo peor esta por venir: el juicio.

Cuando renuncie al mi puesto de interprete simultaneo un abogado de esos que se definen como del monton, me indicaba que yo estaba loco. I que dejar un trabajo de escritorio tan bueno!  Haber regresado de testigo, teniendo que regresar en un mes a un tribunal, no deja dudas de lo correcto de mi decision.

Los tribunales aca son semejantes a las obras de teatro de escuela superior, uno no quiere tener que ver el final dado el material humano laborando.  A nadie debe extranhar. En Puerto Rico, todo lo que constituye la llamada sociedad esta en bancarrota: bancos, escuelas, tribunales, i iglesias, cultura, gobierno I finanzas.

Lo cual recuerda eso de: somos mas grandes i Puerto Rico lo hace major....Ni sonhandolo!


jueves, 31 de enero de 2013


ONE of the difficulties of following most gardening blogs beside the abominable hedges, turf, abundant palms, artificial looking ponds, fountains too often out of proportion is their lack of problems of any kind, except the pet weed of most gardeners..

Insects beneficial, ugly or not, visit our garden with rare frequency, except damned white flies, they love Brugmansia, Duranta repens to name two, having moved with us. 

The moth in the Bouganvillea flower above, appeared once. The ugly caterpillars munching on the Carica papaya leaves, appeared out of the blue yesterday.

I am not certain of the botanical name but I dare suggest, just by the caterpillar skin color, these may be Cramer's sphinx or Erinnyis crameri.  If I am mistaken have the courtesy and bother to share any information on this regard.

I consider them ugly as hell, quite the opposite to that other sphinx, green/black, a seasonal visitor on our know them for sure.

   that is that

miércoles, 30 de enero de 2013


ALL THINGS CONSIDERED  some acts, results from action. Today a couple form the Environmental Board, William Borres, with a co-worker arrived early to our residence to measure the decibels from the night and day noise sound track by the callous bastards, backyard neighbors Universidad Sagrado Corazon. See the links below for an idea. Complaint URU-00-13-65-0010, for the record.
 It has been a five year struggle, fortunately I have not become some Norwegian fellow with automatic weapons, still sane, but how long?
At any rate, noise is a terrible torture. Puerto Rico has become a shit hole of noise of all kinds, at all times. Having concrete as the only construction material that lame, dull, bland, architects and engineers use to build houses only makes matters worse, since concrete inside/outside become resonant chambers amplifying every sound/noise imaginable.
At any rate, I fell some hope for the time to come, since the first time I filed a complaint 3 years ago, I had to wait for almost a year to receive a visit from this agency.
I can not determine if the change in our government administration colors from blue to red is part of the equation, but it does not matter, the point is that they came 2 weeks after my first visit.
I want to thank Mr. Borres, Milagros, and Jose Alicea Pou , director of noise issues of the Environmental Board, for their performance in a timely fashion.
If I prevail or not, is not the issue at this time, but the intense satisfaction of just the possibility of it on one hand,  and the diligence of public employees in an isle corroded by fraud, bankruptcy and indifference.
For all the above, I have some reason to smile. 

martes, 29 de enero de 2013


REMEMBER when the toxic loans and surrounding Wall Street maladies and diseases exploded like a dead horse in the heat?  Who got the blame? And...who paid for it?  It seems that states of law in half of the globe have become states of fraud, scams and debt.

The money/debt is a part of the puzzle. I know. I woke up from a dream/nightmare with all these in mind.  Have you heard the expression conventional wisdom?  It is only conventional lies, in truth, the gullible accept, being imposed through brainwashing in schools, church and family.

The most stupid value in any culture is maternity and motherhood. Women are really slaves with only two routes egg chicken baby layers or prostitutes.  There is a third possibility, single mothers in welfare.  Why, for what?  When I was an adolescent, a pregnant 12 year old was an aberration, expelled from school, pretty much like having leprosy. Nowadays they have their own reality show.

Maternity and motherhood a charming trend with the church, any church--bai di guay--if there is just one god, why do we need 12 religions...each one claiming to be the real one...screw them. The destruction of the globe with 7 billion people could be explained in these terms with no MIT degree.

More absurd are the wedding rituals in every culture, costly, unnecessary.  In the west hemisphere, more than one half end in divorce.  The wedding industry has also a reality show.  Most of the darkies/whities women are shaped like orcas/manatees, a real joy to watch them trying to fit in a white dress looking like a sleeping bag, with their too often underdeveloped teeties bursting as in the tittle.

The infatuation with having children in an overcrowded/overpopulated globe is hard to comprehend. It makes me puke literally when I see those photos of naked women with a belly like the dead horse mentioned above, holding the creature inside with one hand over and one under the belly bottom, with the most retarded expression of tenderness, as if an overcrowded/overpopulated globe could support one more infant.

The fertility industry, those bastards making possible old gizzard women getting pregnant and having triplets are part of the equation.
The adoption industry is also part of this legal crime. Have children, do not worry, no abortions please...just like stray cats and dogs. Let somejuan else take care of your lack of will, intelligence, education and else.

I expect, seriously, that any reader by now, has made his/her own picture/photo of their own reality, no matter where you are not virtually, but geographically.

Most people believe all the conventional lies their parents, teachers, reverend and priests, politicians preached in the beginning or all through their lives. Honesty is the best policy they used to claim.
Study hard, so you can have a better future, most of the time, not difficult since 5 out of 10 parents in the world can not read or write or are functionally illiterate.

Here in the Puerto Rico shit hole, the false academic prophets are still singing the mermaid tunes: Study for a better future. Moderfuckers what better future?  The one with 100 billion national debt you creatively developed in two generations or 60 years?  Take that better future, shove it up your rectum.

What we need now in the shit hole and the globe is imagination and ideas to solve the unemployment, the exploitation  When I look at it conventional lies permeates the whole spectrum of society to such levels that when I look around, it is frustrating, depressing.

There is a lack of analysis, a little depth. No one mentions gold/diamonds when discussing the destruction of the earth. It is just coal, oil, gas or forests here and there.  The automobile industry and highway/housing developing industries are guilty of non stop destruction, a consequence of non stop population growth, bastards.

In some countries of the west, the unemployment rate among young people is the same or worse than the adult segment of the population. How many economists, financial wizards are required to change a light bulb?  How many countries could develop an economy capable of absorbing the majority of their population, considering in these countries the elderly continues living longer?

Meanwhile the debt, the selling and buying debt is like a monopoly game that only bankers and politicians, not the working people, seem to understand, play and decide.  Those retired and working or with below employment pay the consequence. Less public education, medical services, transportation and else.

this is the better future? 

sábado, 26 de enero de 2013


It is really difficult to comprehend that remarkable lack of introspection shown by the government of the people.  Their last
demonstration of foolishness will suffice.  NOW, women in military forces,  are totally equal to men, they will be free to kill and maim.

This is the same country manufacturing, developing drugs to get pregnant in an overpopulated world, instead of the opposite, contraceptives.  A place where having guns legal or illegal is a constitutional right, with the circular, cyclic slaughters from mentally disturbed young and not so young people custom and use.

Following the USA economic model has made two grossly overpopulated countries in Asia, China and India, the most polluted as a collateral damage of that 'miraculous' economic development during the last 15 years.  Development that everyjuan in the west applauds, without much concern regarding the contamination of water/air, vital to life.

It is not different from global warming.  The sweeping under the carpet for decades of the C02 in the atmosphere, remember the ozone holes?  In Australia this still in debate, global warming created an intense drought in 2011, floods Macondo like in 2012 and now fires pretty much like those in hell.

The morbid obese and fat acceptance claque should create the global warming acceptance, that will make for a perfect world.
These fat folks can barely walk.  They eat and eat and eat, huge portions following the USA trends of enlarged menus, with high sodium, high calories.  This reminds yours truly of the automatic weapons, very effective to kill many people at once.

Food is not different, fast and not so fast food.  A week ago I had the dubious pleasure to sit among 9 relatives and friend. Seven are obese, rarely walk, not even a mile a week.  Soon most will have the same maladies that a couple already show. Diabetes, high blood pressure with eventual kidney failure

Breast implants are one more thing to blame USA, Holstein like, mammal glands are the rule. In Puerto Rico, women the most stupid they are show breasts like vejigas, out of proportion, some times as big as their empty heads.  In the past, in our Caribe culture, Lbutts were the standard of beauty...not any more.

Since misery loves companion, let the record show that following the values of some countries could ruin yours, since nothing really works out of context.

In Puerto Rico, the bankrupt/asphalt/concrete isle the public debt--100 b-- is so scary the feebleminded conforming the government, elected by mongrels and retards, has started a new trend that will leave them islanders without anything of their own.  The international airport has followed the destiny of some highways and a bridge,  all been leased to some foreigners looking for a fast buck for the next 40 years.  This twisted action seems appropriate to pay some 500 million of the 1,000. Nobody knows how the rest will be paid in the long run, to the kind bankers making the loans.

Puerto Rico lacks people with a little introspection and vision.  They like to listen to things like: Somos mas grandes/Puerto Rico lo hace major, when in reality these bastards can not swipe their butt properly. Always thinking big, the more the merrier like. That is how they spent 100 million in an imaginary gas pipe around the isle and around 300m in some port without permits. 

Imagine a country with an unemployment rate  Spain like in the first act. In the second, the governor elected by his looks, calls for a press conference to announce 10,000 jobs and under employment opportunities to flip burgers, fried chicken or watchmen.  Afterwards, the imbeciles in the diploma manufacturing enterprises, complained those are not the jobs their college graduates require.. Buajaha they demand high paying jobs, with security as in seniority, life employment as in never never land.  I am tired...

that is that

Now, never mind the public debt-100 b--they are daydreaming again about universal health care...without any. 1

jueves, 17 de enero de 2013


PERHAPS you remember the tons of lies predicated, amplified, day and night when compact disc players arrived more than 3 decades ago.  One of my favorites spins around the possibility of dancing a flamenco over them, without any damage.

As a result, cassttes, a perfect tool for most purposes, became obsolete and have almost disappeared.  The same happened with vynil, a somewhat cumbersome tool requiring care and maintenance, not to get into stylus, and the excessive exercise by today standards to get up, clean, put on another record.

The most important aspect of many records besides the beauty of many covers, is the information provided including the inner sleeves protecting the records.  In consequence every record was in this regard like a reference book. 

One can go beyond and state that cardboard and paper are organic
with smell, texture and colors changing with time. 

Going to a record store, to check old and new offers was a real amusing trip requiring no money, similar to visiting a library to read, learn or just kill time in a productive fashion.

One more transcendental issue was the quality of the music recorded, the sound. Then and know experts and musicians claim that  compact discs  had cold/flat quality unlike vynil, warm and live. For that reason people like Elvis Costello, still record in all formats including vynil.

The arrival of compact discs destroyed all the above. The gullible, threw away their vynil records and cassettes in bunches in the garbage.

Stereo equipment was also part of the picture. I remember the first sophisticated strereo I ever saw and heard music at home. It was the residence of the Monteverde family in Caguas.  What a trip!

The possibility of controlling bass and treble and will makes in my opinion the pleasure of listening to music complete.

My first 35 watts per channel, was a Harman/Kardon receiver, with Epicure speakers, a Sanyo turn table.  Later it was one of those popular for some time of the same brand, a Pioneer.

Now it is Sony, Teac, Technique and Bose.  Yes, I still use the turn table and cassette player. One of the first records I ever bought, Sergio Mendes, Equinox, and 45 years old is still playable.

Now if you think all these is garbage, fine. However, take a minute for a little meditation exercise. Music nowadays is available mostly digitally, what the hell can you learn just listening to some, mostly garbage provided and sold by the piece and promoted by youtube or else.

The really sadly amusing aspect of technology in music today, is that super sophisticated sound and recording equipment is used to listen to regueton and hip hop, the most illiterate and unsophisticated music ever created globally by whites/blacks and mongrels, preferably with 500 watts of distortion!

In brief all this information/anecdotes are useful to extrapolate. It you take movies for example. I still prefer black and white films.
Special effects, lots of murders, rape, poor scripts, lousy music, plus the same crap, often with 1,2,3 parts is the offer.  What about the new rip off...3D?

Automobiles?  There is one hybrid with a hundred miles a gallon.
However, when you look at China, India, USA, Puerto Rico, and you observe those massive traffic jams, it seems that the fuel and electricity will run over in  a distance of five miles with the snake like traffic jams 24/7.

Hybrid/transngenetic seeds?  Find out what happens when traditional farmers get trapped around those agribusiness monsters of soy/corn you name it, start using glysophate in humongous amounts around flora/fauna and people.

Repeat after me....No more technology! Pretty please with sugar on top.

that is that

miércoles, 16 de enero de 2013


YESTERDAY I made my decision, taking the
efficient, clean and costly elevated train on a peregrination to the mentioned agency.  The office, in a second floor of a building of   classical concrete ugly Puertorican lego architecture, painted in a checkered style in tones of green and sinking, even though it was recently built in 2006.
Universidad Sagrado CorazonI went to complaint once again against the university right of this sentence. 
This over rated, expensive and polluting institution next door
installed new air conditioners the size of one of those cars
ugly as hell ,Smart.  The humming and zooming is such that
I can not find a room in our residence to hide with the constant
noise, similar to a CD 10 blowing against our residence and vicinity.
It is not the only nuissance created to the still decreasing majority of  USA citizens from Puerto Rico living in the immediate surroundings, by Universidad Sagrado Corazon.

WITH the recent change of government colors, there is an apparent change of attitude in the employees, seeming friendly and efficient. However the same lack of logic and systematic effort is present.

The secretary was absent. My complaint was taken by Edwin Borres a technician, written in paper, not a computer. I still do not have the record number and will have to make a phone call to find out.

When I requested the email address of Carmen Lamboy, the absent secretary, nobody knew it. Some woman in the premises had to make a phone call to find it...In Puerto Rico everyjuan refuses to use electronic messaging, preferring to waste time with telephones.

The greatest surprise, was to discover that the new director, of Junta de Calidad Ambiental, is Jose Alicea Pou.  It is a bright, talented fellow. I had the chance to shake hands and exchange some ideas about noise and related issues. Mr. Alicea Pou was featured in one of my passed away blogs, when approached, one or two years ago about this noise problem, in his private enterprise.  
Wish me luck!

lunes, 7 de enero de 2013


There are 3 Asparagus in our garden.  One was in situ, another bought in Guanica, a couple of years ago before they became popular, accessible and overused in the Santurce area.

This one featured was collected in the abandoned residence down the street next door. I had to dig deep to reach the roots.  It was, an old plant, probably planted between 20/30 years ago, when they were fashionable in the area.

I know because this fern like climber, is only found in very old houses, no longer available in nurseries, and one of the reasons for my interest.  Setaceus were very known and popular during my high school years. They were standard use in corsages,  a corny accessory in the wrist of females,  used in proms, weddings and such.

At any rate, the area where I dug, was used to poop by stray cats, for years.  I did not think about the consequences for one minute.
Since the digging went down around 12 inches, gloves would not have protected yours truly.

I got bitten by Necatur americanus, a relative of Ancylostoma braziliensis.  I noticed the bite, but gave not much thought to it until a couple of days later, I was awaken around 2AM for five days in a row. Cutaneous larva migrans, the sensation is an intense under skin burning similar to salt, lemon, soap in your eyes, plus something moving under the skin, therefore the migrans in the name.

Some time ago, I watched a documentary of a similar disease caught by some tourist in Costa Rica,  some time ago, I had an idea of what could be the problem, visiting my dermatologist on the following Monday.  The prescription killed the culprit in just two days.

It affected my gardening for some time, wondering If I could get
it again. Fortunately, being more careful, I am not at risk.   For these reasons, this plant has cost me more than any other in the over one hundred species collection.

that is that

sábado, 5 de enero de 2013


DURING 2009 I was able to make the first seed exchange with Hazel Topoleski, a fellow gardener from Texas and member
of a gardening site I used to visit then.

There were about twelve kinds of seeds, of the total, only one survived, Black Eyed Susan, a rarely seen vine in Puerto Rico.
I am lucky, since plants requiring a cold dormant period,
pass away most of the time in tropical contexts.

This one was a fugitive for the last two years. I thought it was dead, but yesterday, while doing some weeding, I noticed it has made a healthy comeback.