sábado, 26 de enero de 2013


It is really difficult to comprehend that remarkable lack of introspection shown by the government of the people.  Their last
demonstration of foolishness will suffice.  NOW, women in military forces,  are totally equal to men, they will be free to kill and maim.

This is the same country manufacturing, developing drugs to get pregnant in an overpopulated world, instead of the opposite, contraceptives.  A place where having guns legal or illegal is a constitutional right, with the circular, cyclic slaughters from mentally disturbed young and not so young people custom and use.

Following the USA economic model has made two grossly overpopulated countries in Asia, China and India, the most polluted as a collateral damage of that 'miraculous' economic development during the last 15 years.  Development that everyjuan in the west applauds, without much concern regarding the contamination of water/air, vital to life.

It is not different from global warming.  The sweeping under the carpet for decades of the C02 in the atmosphere, remember the ozone holes?  In Australia this still in debate, global warming created an intense drought in 2011, floods Macondo like in 2012 and now fires pretty much like those in hell.

The morbid obese and fat acceptance claque should create the global warming acceptance, that will make for a perfect world.
These fat folks can barely walk.  They eat and eat and eat, huge portions following the USA trends of enlarged menus, with high sodium, high calories.  This reminds yours truly of the automatic weapons, very effective to kill many people at once.

Food is not different, fast and not so fast food.  A week ago I had the dubious pleasure to sit among 9 relatives and friend. Seven are obese, rarely walk, not even a mile a week.  Soon most will have the same maladies that a couple already show. Diabetes, high blood pressure with eventual kidney failure

Breast implants are one more thing to blame USA, Holstein like, mammal glands are the rule. In Puerto Rico, women the most stupid they are show breasts like vejigas, out of proportion, some times as big as their empty heads.  In the past, in our Caribe culture, Lbutts were the standard of beauty...not any more.

Since misery loves companion, let the record show that following the values of some countries could ruin yours, since nothing really works out of context.

In Puerto Rico, the bankrupt/asphalt/concrete isle the public debt--100 b-- is so scary the feebleminded conforming the government, elected by mongrels and retards, has started a new trend that will leave them islanders without anything of their own.  The international airport has followed the destiny of some highways and a bridge,  all been leased to some foreigners looking for a fast buck for the next 40 years.  This twisted action seems appropriate to pay some 500 million of the 1,000. Nobody knows how the rest will be paid in the long run, to the kind bankers making the loans.

Puerto Rico lacks people with a little introspection and vision.  They like to listen to things like: Somos mas grandes/Puerto Rico lo hace major, when in reality these bastards can not swipe their butt properly. Always thinking big, the more the merrier like. That is how they spent 100 million in an imaginary gas pipe around the isle and around 300m in some port without permits. 

Imagine a country with an unemployment rate  Spain like in the first act. In the second, the governor elected by his looks, calls for a press conference to announce 10,000 jobs and under employment opportunities to flip burgers, fried chicken or watchmen.  Afterwards, the imbeciles in the diploma manufacturing enterprises, complained those are not the jobs their college graduates require.. Buajaha they demand high paying jobs, with security as in seniority, life employment as in never never land.  I am tired...

that is that

Now, never mind the public debt-100 b--they are daydreaming again about universal health care...without any. 1

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