jueves, 31 de enero de 2013


ONE of the difficulties of following most gardening blogs beside the abominable hedges, turf, abundant palms, artificial looking ponds, fountains too often out of proportion is their lack of problems of any kind, except the pet weed of most gardeners..

Insects beneficial, ugly or not, visit our garden with rare frequency, except damned white flies, they love Brugmansia, Duranta repens to name two, having moved with us. 

The moth in the Bouganvillea flower above, appeared once. The ugly caterpillars munching on the Carica papaya leaves, appeared out of the blue yesterday.

I am not certain of the botanical name but I dare suggest, just by the caterpillar skin color, these may be Cramer's sphinx or Erinnyis crameri.  If I am mistaken have the courtesy and bother to share any information on this regard.

I consider them ugly as hell, quite the opposite to that other sphinx, green/black, a seasonal visitor on our Plumerias....you know them for sure.

   that is that

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