The money/debt is a part of the puzzle. I know. I woke up from a dream/nightmare with all these in mind. Have you heard the expression conventional wisdom? It is only conventional lies, in truth, the gullible accept, being imposed through brainwashing in schools, church and family.
The most stupid value in any culture is maternity and motherhood. Women are really slaves with only two routes egg chicken baby layers or prostitutes. There is a third possibility, single mothers in welfare. Why, for what? When I was an adolescent, a pregnant 12 year old was an aberration, expelled from school, pretty much like having leprosy. Nowadays they have their own reality show.
Maternity and motherhood a charming trend with the church, any church--bai di guay--if there is just one god, why do we need 12 religions...each one claiming to be the real one...screw them. The destruction of the globe with 7 billion people could be explained in these terms with no MIT degree.
More absurd are the wedding rituals in every culture, costly, unnecessary. In the west hemisphere, more than one half end in divorce. The wedding industry has also a reality show. Most of the darkies/whities women are shaped like orcas/manatees, a real joy to watch them trying to fit in a white dress looking like a sleeping bag, with their too often underdeveloped teeties bursting as in the tittle.
The infatuation with having children in an overcrowded/overpopulated globe is hard to comprehend. It makes me puke literally when I see those photos of naked women with a belly like the dead horse mentioned above, holding the creature inside with one hand over and one under the belly bottom, with the most retarded expression of tenderness, as if an overcrowded/overpopulated globe could support one more infant.
The fertility industry, those bastards making possible old gizzard women getting pregnant and having triplets are part of the equation.
The adoption industry is also part of this legal crime. Have children, do not worry, no abortions please...just like stray cats and dogs. Let somejuan else take care of your lack of will, intelligence, education and else.
I expect, seriously, that any reader by now, has made his/her own picture/photo of their own reality, no matter where you are not virtually, but geographically.
Most people believe all the conventional lies their parents, teachers, reverend and priests, politicians preached in the beginning or all through their lives. Honesty is the best policy they used to claim.
Study hard, so you can have a better future, most of the time, not difficult since 5 out of 10 parents in the world can not read or write or are functionally illiterate.
Here in the Puerto Rico shit hole, the false academic prophets are still singing the mermaid tunes: Study for a better future. Moderfuckers what better future? The one with 100 billion national debt you creatively developed in two generations or 60 years? Take that better future, shove it up your rectum.
What we need now in the shit hole and the globe is imagination and ideas to solve the unemployment, the exploitation When I look at it conventional lies permeates the whole spectrum of society to such levels that when I look around, it is frustrating, depressing.
There is a lack of analysis, a little depth. No one mentions gold/diamonds when discussing the destruction of the earth. It is just coal, oil, gas or forests here and there. The automobile industry and highway/housing developing industries are guilty of non stop destruction, a consequence of non stop population growth, bastards.
In some countries of the west, the unemployment rate among young people is the same or worse than the adult segment of the population. How many economists, financial wizards are required to change a light bulb? How many countries could develop an economy capable of absorbing the majority of their population, considering in these countries the elderly continues living longer?
Meanwhile the debt, the selling and buying debt is like a monopoly game that only bankers and politicians, not the working people, seem to understand, play and decide. Those retired and working or with below employment pay the consequence. Less public education, medical services, transportation and else.
this is the better future?
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