ALL THINGS CONSIDERED some acts, results from action. Today a couple form the Environmental Board, William Borres, with a co-worker arrived early to our residence to measure the decibels from the night and day noise sound track by the callous bastards, backyard neighbors Universidad Sagrado Corazon. See the links below for an idea. Complaint URU-00-13-65-0010, for the record.
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It has been a five year struggle, fortunately I have not become some Norwegian fellow with automatic weapons, still sane, but how long?
At any rate, noise is a terrible torture. Puerto Rico has become a shit hole of noise of all kinds, at all times. Having concrete as the only construction material that lame, dull, bland, architects and engineers use to build houses only makes matters worse, since concrete inside/outside become resonant chambers amplifying every sound/noise imaginable.
At any rate, I fell some hope for the time to come, since the first time I filed a complaint 3 years ago, I had to wait for almost a year to receive a visit from this agency.
I can not determine if the change in our government administration colors from blue to red is part of the equation, but it does not matter, the point is that they came 2 weeks after my first visit.
I want to thank Mr. Borres, Milagros, and Jose Alicea Pou , director of noise issues of the Environmental Board, for their performance in a timely fashion.
If I prevail or not, is not the issue at this time, but the intense satisfaction of just the possibility of it on one hand, and the diligence of public employees in an isle corroded by fraud, bankruptcy and indifference.
For all the above, I have some reason to smile.
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